Kalhankov Ye.V., Lysytsia M.I., Ahaltsov H.M., Cherniy О.А. Reliability prediction for the rubber lining operating under extreme conditions

Геотех. мех. 2022,  160,  96-105



1 Калханков   Є . В ., 1 Лисиця М . І ., 1 Агальцов   Г . М ., 2 Черній   О.А.

1 Інститут геотехнічної механіки ім. Н. Полякова НАН України, 2 Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет

УДК  622.002.5-192:678

Мова:  англійська

Abstract. This work presents an analytical research of the rubber lining reliability in the ball drum mills at the first stage of quartzite grinding. The material includes a study of various factors affecting the reliability of rubber linings. Thus, it is established that design factors, that is, errors in design calculations and rubber compound formulation for the linings, amount to only 6%, that is, the design of linings is at a fairly high level. Technological factors related to the drawbacks of the technology of rubber melting and lining forming account for 12%. And the greatest share of failures - 82% - falls on operation, that is, violation of the rules of operation and non-compliance with the requirements for the operation of rubber linings exactly at the first stage of rocks grinding.
It is established that over the last forty years, reliability of the rubber lining at the 2nd and 3rd grinding stages has increased by almost 40 times - from 600-1000 hours of operation to 40,000 hours. In this work, a reliability study was carried out, which has proven the possibility of using a rubber lining of the “H-wave plate” type with increased height produced by the R&D production company “Valsa GTV” (Ukraine, Bila Tserkva), in the mills at the first stage of grinding in rather extreme conditions, namely balls with diameter of 100-125 mm and pieces of rock up to 25 mm. According to the research data in terms of the ore-dressing and processing enterprises Poltava GOK (Poltava) and SevGOK (Kryvyi Rih), the rubber lining reliability is an average of 8,000 hours.
These research data made it possible to conclude that the rubber lining resists wear quite well and absorbs the energy of the loading action, but when the wear is to the height of 115 mm top, the ability of the lining to absorb energy decreases and it gradually becomes stiffer, which contributes to the intensification of the wear process in the surface layer and to faster aging of the rubber in thickness.
A new methodology for predicting reliability of rubber linings operating under extreme conditions was developed, and comparative studies was conducted. Field tests were carried out on existing mills, and laboratory tests were carried out with using a redesigned МИ-2 friction machine. It is established that the energy of rubber destruction is 81.8∙10-3 J, density of the destruction energy is 0.18∙1010 J/m3, time period before the lining destruction is 8305 hours.
For the МШР 3.6´4.0 mill with balls Ø 100 mm and lining of the “H-wave plate” type, the experimental reliability was determined, which was 6800 hours for the specific case and an average of 8000 hours according to the results of observation of five mills. The design reliability is 8305 hours, which indicates a fairly high accuracy of the developed methodology for predicting reliability of the lining.
Keywords: reliability, drum mill, rubber lining, wear, stiffness, energy of destruction.


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Про авторів

Калханков Євген Васильович , магістр наук, інженер відділу механіки еластомерних деталей гірничих машин Інституту геотехнічної механіки ім. Н. Полякова НАН України (ІГТМ НАН України), Дніпро, Україна, kalhankov.ye . This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Лисиця Микола Іванович , кандидат технічних наук, старший науковий співробітник, старший науковий співробітник відділу механіки еластомерних деталей гірничих машин Інституту геотехнічної механіки ім. Н. Полякова НАН України, Дніпро, Україна , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Агальцов Геннадій Миколайович , магістр наук, молодший науковий співробітник відділу механіки еластомерних деталей гірничих машин Інституту геотехнічної механіки ім. Н. Полякова НАН України (ІГТМ НАН України), Дніпро, Україна, аг.гена . @gmail.com

Черній Олександр Анатолійович , магістр наук, старший викладач кафедри надійності та ремонту машин, Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет (ДДАЕУ), Дніпро, Україна, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.