2012, Issue 99

Bulat A.F., Yashchenko I.O., Bokyi B.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Bunko T.V. Method for automated choosing the routes for emergency evacuation of miners in case of exogenous fire
Bulat A.F., Slashchov I.M. Development computer systems for mathematical modeling geomechanical processes
Bokyi B.V. Degassing of the produced space by the mining holes bored from mountain making
Borovskyi A.V. Peculiarities of the face aerodynamics affecting on the gas pressure rate
Baranov V.A. Geological problems of energy resources of output
Averin G.V. Problem of theoretical analysis of diffusion of heat, impulse and admixtures in mountain making of coal mines
Zhytlоnok D.M., Shazhko Ya.V., Zavrazhin V.V., Mamleyev Sh.V. Determination of gas and pressure methane in coal seams
Gavrylov V.I. Technology rules for use of hydrodynamic influence on coal seams in the bottom overhead walls to prevent gas-dynamic phenomena
Pavlysh V.N., Grebenkina A.S. The application of method of matrix drive for modeling of the process of pneumatic action on coal stratum
Kornilov M.G. Estimation of an effect of relaxation on sorptional methane capacity of coal layers
Nikiforov A.V., Bogoudinov R.M., Steblin V.G. Estimation of influencing of passing ahead mining holes on change tensely-deformed state of near-person part of preparatory making
Palamarchuk T.A., Skipochka S.I., Prokhorets L.V. Rock massif state as consequence of the rock pressure impact
Kurnosov S.A. Technological aspects of soil supporting by glass-plastic anchor systems in preparatory roadways
Chekhov V.N. Rock elasticity impact on the fold formation in the layered massif of the Earth crust
Kasіan N.N., Sakhno I.G. Application of non-explosive composition at deplete conduct working after longwall
Gorbachоv G.I. Assessment of mining on the formation of field stress and deformation of working in the mines "Nestor"
Morus V.L., Filimonov P.Ye. Technique of disintegration, washing and classifying of materials and minerals of technogenic deposits
Nadutyi V.P., Erpert A.M., Malanchuk Ye.Z. Results of researches of dependence of effectiveness of raw basalt screening through the thin vibrating sieves on parameters of the ore-preparation process
Yeliseyev V.I., Krivokorytov A.V., Lutsenko V.I. Experimental determination of residual liquid in the capillaries with the grid of the bounding
Shevchenko A.I. Influence of specific loads and design and mode parameters on intensity of mineral dehydration at vibrating screening
Levchenko V.P. Productivity of a vertical vibrating screen as a complex indicator of complex impact of controlled factors in the given conditions
Ilin S.R. Method for evaluating energetic impact of conductor profile on the "vessel-reinforcement" systems in the mine shafts at dynamic diagnostics
Semenenko Ye.V., Vitushko O.V., Nikiforova N.A. engineering calculation procedure of coal hydrotransport parameters
Lopatin V.V. Optimization of the choice of composition in a problem of the control of movement lifting vessels in winding complex during limited number of measurements
Ponomarenko S.N. Estimation of influence of grain-size distribution of mountain breed on parameter of vibroaerodynamic pressure by vibro-pneumatic transporting