Bulat A.F., Skipochka S.I., Pilipenko Yu. N., Dyakun R.A.


Bulat A.F., Acad. NASU, D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor,

Skipochka S.I., D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor,

Pilipenko Yu. N., Ph. D. (Tech.), Senior Researcher,

Dyakun R.A., Ph. D. (Tech.)

(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

 Abstract. Subject of the research is a methodology for state and properties control of coal rock. Objective of the research is theoretical and experimental substantiation for acoustic-emission massif state control. Elements of acoustic-emission control theory, methodology, means and experiments results of fluid-saturated geomaterials under complex stress state are given. Interpretation of the results of geophysical observations destruction geomaterial theory is based on the provisions of the slip lines . Possible ways to solve the problem of the stress-strain state of fluid-saturated coal seam by setting the autocorrelation coefficients between seismoacoustic events were described. The experimental validation of complex control methods with Fourier disintegration level determination - amplitude-frequency and amplitude-time spectra evaluation were given.

Keywords: rock massif, fluids, destruction, seismoacoustics, spectrum.


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About the authors

Bulat Anatoly Fedorovich, Academician of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, Director of the Institute, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Skipochka Sergey Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, Head of Rock Mechanics Department, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pilipenko Jury  Nikolayevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher in Department of Mineral Mining at Great Depths M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dyakun Roman A., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Researcher in the Department of Pressure Dynamic Control in Rocks, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU IGTM), Dnepr, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.