Ilyin S.R., Kirichenko V.Ye., Ilyina I.S.

Ilyin S.R., Ph.D (Tech.), Senior Researcher

(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

Kirichenko V.Ye., Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor,

Ilyina I.S., Ph.D (Tech.), Associate Professor

(SHEI «National Mining University»)

 Abstract. In the article is set and decided the problem of ground method of calibrating measuring channels of the digital system monitoring of ropes pulls of the mine multirope lifting setting. A mathematical model is developed and formulas for the calculation of calibration coefficients on the basis of information of the test measurings pulls of ropes in industrial terms with the use of auxiliary measuring equipment are got. The method of implementation of the test measurings in the conditions of the active winding, based on conducting series of the control measurings at loaded and empty skips, is resulted. It is shown that the use of calibration functions allows by facilities of top level software of vehicle-programmatic complex of monitoring pulls of ropes to execute calculations: rejections of pulls of ropes in plumbs from the mean values and comparison of them with possible limits in obedience to a normative document (25%, 15%), current rejections lengths of ropes in the hinge-plate, sizes of the necessary shortening of ropes, current relative deviations of radiuses chamfers of leading and declining pulleys from the mean value and their comparison with normative, sizes of the necessary paring of fettling chamfers for minimization rejections of pulls and removal of slippage of ropes on leading and declining pulleys, current value of supply on unsliding for every rope on the criterion of Euler.

It is indicated, that for the lifting setting with two monosectional pulleys this function can be realized at simultaneous with measurings of pulls of ropes in plumbs by measurings of initial pulls in the ropes of string between pulleys and short plumb at top position of one of lifting vessels and calculation rejections lengths of ropes from the mean value in the hinge-plate.

Keywords: mine multirope lifting setting, pulls of ropes, rejections lengths of ropes, multirope leading pulley, multirope declining pulley, system of monitoring pulls of ropes, calibrating



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About the autors

Ilyin Sergey Rostislavovsch, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher of the Department of Rock Thermoaerodynamics and Automated Systems, N.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU IGTM), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kirichenko Vladimir Yevgeniyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and Computer Systems, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" (SHEI "NMU"), Dnepr, Ukraine.

Ilyina Inna Sergeevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor of the Department of Mining Mechanics, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" (SHEI "NMU"), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.