Klimenko D.V.

Klimenko D.V., M.S (Tech)


Abstract. One of the greatest dangers is the sudden catastrophically rapid destruction of the rock during the mining minerals. As a rule, such a phenomenon occurs when different mining mechanisms work in mine. It is the source of elastic oscillations in the rock mass. The rock mass failure can be interpreted as a process of crack development. Thus, the rock is influenced by the quasistatic stress and the changing oscillational loading. Registered acoustic oscillations are analyzed in accordance with regulatory seismoacoustic methods in the rock. However, the used criterion for predicting dynamic phenomena is the local nature and is formulated according to the results of preliminary observations under specific conditions. Since the dynamic phenomena are associated with the development of cracks in the rock mass, it is necessary to define fairly general conditions under which the oscillational load generates the rock failure with certain structural joints (cracks). Early we got the generalized criterion of a crack initiation. The criterion takes into account the effect of both quasistatic and oscillational loadings. But the parameters regions for which the oscillation load can lead to the crack initiation have not been investigated. The determination of such regions is most important for development of an acoustic prediction of dynamic phenomena.

Keywords. Crack, crack initiation, amplitude, crack resistance, critical crack length.



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About the author

Klimenko Dina Vladimirovna, Master of Science, Senior Lecturer of the Higher Mathematics Department, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University” (SHEI “NMU”), Dnepr, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.