Pidhoretskyi Yu.Yu. Research of opening reliability of blast easily disposable systems with honeycomb polycarbonate sheets by finite elements method (2)

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 152, 107-115


1Pidhoretskyi Yu.Yu.

1Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chernobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

UDC 629.039.58

Language: Ukrainian


In the article, the author presents results of mathematical modeling of operation of the venting relief structures made of honeycomb polycarbonate sheets and fixed in the standard window profiles, under the effect of explosion. In order to reproduce the explosion effect on venting relief structures, an approach to modeling dynamic systems was applied, which used a finite element method to approximate the basic general equations of dynamics added by the equations of the stress-strain state of a solid body. The applied approach differs by reproduction of the explosion process impact on the venting relief structures of this type by using equations which describe the motion of the dynamic system with accounting a contact interaction with the friction of honeycomb polycarbonate sheets and corresponding surfaces of the standard window profile locks. The honeycomb structure of the polycarbonate sheet was modeled by appropriate finite elements with considering the polycarbonate elastic properties. In order to implement numerical algorithms of this approach, a program code of the LS-DYNA computer system was used. The conducted numerical experiment on reproducing the explosion effect on the relief elements of this type of the venting relief structures made it possible to trace all stages of the honeycomb polycarbonate sheets deforming and moving under the action of explosion up to the exit of their edges from the window profile locks with the study of the corresponding stress-strain state parameters. By using this approach, reliably disclosure of the venting relief structures based on honeycomb polycarbonate sheets was investigated, and conditions for their reliable disclosure were identified with considering geometrical parameters of such type of venting relief structures opening and thickness of the honeycomb polycarbonate sheets. Results of the research have shown that reliable disclosure of the honeycomb polycarbonate sheets occurs within the range of the explosion overpressure, hence, confirming the effectiveness of such type of the venting relief structures used for protecting buildings against the explosion action.

Keywords venting relief structures, honeycomb polycarbonate sheets, explosion, reliability of disclosure, modeling of dynamic systems, stress-strain state, finite element method.


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About the author

Pidhoretsky Yuriy Yuriyevich, Ajunct of the Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chernobyl Heroes of National uni-versity of civil protection of Ukraine, Chercasy, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. .