Alpysbayeva Zh. T. Assessment of working conditions at mining enterprises (2)
- Деталі
- Батьківська категорія: Геотехнічна механіка, 2020
- Категорія: Геотехнічна механіка, 2020, № 152
Geoteh. meh. 2020, 152, 226-233
1Alpysbayeva Zh. T.
1National Academy of Mining Sciences, Nur-Sultan S., Kazakhstan Republik
УДК 612.5:613.955(047)
Language: Russian
The author presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of working conditions and functional systems of the body of workers in the conditions of by-product coke production. Harmful factors of the working environment negatively impacting on the health indicators of workers, which is reflected in the high values of morbidity with temporary disability. Quantitative criteria for identifying risk groups and disability were determined depending on the professional group, work experience, gender and age. To calculate the risk range, the method of rationing of intensive indicators was used, which makes it possible to assess the effect of production on the morbidity of workers, as well as to use the results obtained for a comprehensive integral assessment of the likelihood of the risk of disability in the studied professional groups. Ranges of risk have been obtained, which will help to identify "risk groups" among workers requiring examination and preventive measures. Equations of multiple regressions for complex integral risk assessment are obtained, risk forecast for the studied professional groups is calculated. The developed mathematical model and equations of multiple regressions make it possible to calculate the stress levels of the functional systems of the body, to quickly assess the performance of a person both at the time of examination and in production conditions. The proposed method for assessing the impact of working conditions on health indicators can be used at mining enterprises when certifying workplaces and assessing working conditions. The developed methodological recommendations are used in the educational process to improve the quality of scientific research, to analyze the results obtained, as well as in production to simplify the procedure for assessing the impact of harmful production factors on workers and the scientific organization of labor.
Key words:
production factors, working conditions, correlation, normative intensive indicators, risk criteria, forecasting, mathematical model.
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About the author
Alpysbayeva Zhannat Tulendinovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D), Researcher, National Academy of Mining Sciences ( NAMS), Nur-Sultan., Republik of Kazakhstan, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.