Kalhankov Ye.V. Some issues of resource and energy saving in crushing of mineral raw materials in drum ball mills
- Деталі
- Батьківська категорія: Геотехнічна механіка, 2020
- Категорія: Геотехнічна механіка, 2020, № 151
Geoteh. meh. 2020, 151, 138-149
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/geotm2020.151.138
Some issues of resource and energy saving in crushing of mineral raw materials in drum ball mills
1Kalhankov Ye.V.
1Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
UDC 622.23:05459
Language: Ukrainian
The article contains analytical studies of the process of disintegration of mineral raw materials in ball drum mills of the first, second and third stages of grinding. It has been established that the process of grinding mineral raw materials is the most energy-intensive and resource-consuming. To improve the technological and economic indicators of grinding processes in drum mills, different techniques are used. Such as increasing the volume of mills, modifying the profile of the lining (structure) and using more wear-resistant materials, loading balls into self-grinding mills, etc. In order to reduce the grinding tonnage, increase the number of grinding stages, or change the size and direction of circulating loads. However, all these methods do not yet provide tangible effects.
The study of the grinding process indicates that the compressive strength of the rock is 5–10 times higher than the shear strength and 8–15 times higher than the tensile strength, when rock is destroyed by compression, the energy intensity is 17, 4 times higher than when shear or tensile stresses. Thus, the most energy-efficient mechanism for the destruction of mineral raw materials is the methods and means in which shear stresses are realized mainly and this can be realized by introducing elastic links into the mill structure, replacing the metal lining with a rubber lining of a certain shape. In the work, energy costs were studied and a concept for their reduction was developed, so it was proposed to use a rubber lining with wave geometry of the surface. With such a geometric surface, the lining enters into harmonious interaction with the load and in the first hours of operation brings the mill to the specified operating mode.
Research is also given on the use of a rubber lining, which, in comparison with a metal lining, makes it possible to: reduce the weight of the lining kit by more than 3-5 times and thereby increase the service life of thrust bearings, reduce the operating costs of installation and dismantling work to replace a worn lining; 2-3 times reduce noise; 3-5 %; ensure the desired performance of the mill after the first hours of operation; reduce the cost of grinding bodies, by 6-10 %; reduce electricity consumption by 7-9 % (as a whole per technological section by 10-12 %); increase the service life by 80-150 %; double the duration of overhaul cycles; 3-5 % increase the utilization of mills; to increase the growth of the finished product class (-0.056 mm) by 17-29 %.
disintegration, metal lining, rubber lining, ball mills, wave wear, resource and energy-saving technology
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About the authors:
Kalhankov Yevhen Vasylovych, Master of Science, Senior Lecturer of Department “Reliability and repair of machines”, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.