Trofimov V.A., Kavera A.L. Computer simulation of the mine ventilation reverse mode
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 109
UDC 622.451.012.2: 004.942
V.A. Trofimov, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor,
A.L. Kavera, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor
The article is devoted to a new method of computer simulation of reverse mode of ventilation in coal mines of Ukraine. The conditions and complexity of the use of reverse mode of ventilation in case of fire are considered. Several methods of computer simulation of emergency ventilation mode by dint of special software are proposed. Methods contain the use of different levels of difficulty modeling and different information supply. The professional assessment of simulation results and determination the next step in the method are of great importance. At compiling the simulation methods for conditions of the mine certain actions in reality and their counterparts in the computer program should be correlated. Simulation of a fire in the reverse mode ventilation allows to assess the sustainability of air flows in inclined workings and contain actions that ensure the safety of miners in Ukrainian mines.
coal mine, the reverse mode of ventilation, computer simulation, method simulation, simulation of fire, the mine workings
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About the authors
Trofymov Vitalii Oleksandrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department «Labour protection and Aerology», State higher educational establishment «Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)», Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kaviera Oleksii Leonidovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department «Labour protection and Aerology», State higher educational establishment «Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)», Donetsk, Ukraine,