Kurmelev I.I. Tectonic disturbances in the snezhnyanskaya area and its mineralization with the rare metals

UDC 551.243


I.I. Kurmelev, Ph. D. (Geol.), Associate Professor



Anomalous accumulation of rare elements was studied in zones of tectonic disturbances depending on lithologic type of coal-contained rocks. Main task of the research was to identify geochemical anomalies and assess their ecological importance. In the calculations, the author uses a term "geochemical background" as "average" for a range of values that are considered normal and as a concentration index which indicates how many times content of the element at a given point is greater than the background. The anomalous contents of the rare elements are analyzed in enclosing rocks of lithologic types with reference to tectonic disturbances and coal beds mining of which revealed disturbances with great amplitudes of displacement which is very developed in the Snezhnyansk area. It is for the first time when anomalous contents of rare elements were detected in enclosing rocks of lithologic types of the Snezhnyansk area. The research will enhance understanding of rare element accumulation in zone of tectonic disturbances which are "geochemical barriers" for distribution of anomalous contents of rare elements.


Tectonic disturbances, rare elements, geochemical background, anomalous contents of rare elements.


  1. Garber, I.S., Grigoryev, V.Ye., Dupak, Yu.N. and others (1979), Razryvnye narusheniya ugolnykh plastov (po materialam shakhtnoy geologii) [Break disturbances of coal layers (on materials of mine geology)], Nedra, Leningrad, USSR.

About the author

Kurmelev Igor Ivanovich, Candidate of Geological Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor in Department of mineralogy and petrography, State higher educational establishment «National mining university» (SHEE «NMU») of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (State HEI «NMU», MES of Ukraine), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.