Kozina I.V. Substantiation of parameters of transport technological schemes for material flow control in the coal mines

UDC 656.073:622.611


I.V. Kozina, Ph.D.(Tech)


Abstract. In the article, parameters of transport technological scheme for material flow control in the coal mines for timely preparation of an extraction front are validated. Calculations for identifying an optimal route were performed on the basis of the Floyd-Uorshell’s method. Optimization criterion, i.e. minimum total energy consumed by locomotive to deliver auxiliary materials and equipment to the site, is proposed. The method allows to improve transport technological schemes of material flows and to reduce by 1.2 energy consumed by locomotive. To compare results obtained on the basis of the Floyd-Uorshell’s method, appropriate calculations based on the Dijkstra’s method are proposed for identifying routes for transporting mine cargoes. Conclusions were made, and proofs were given to the methods used to deliver cargoes to the development headings in the coal mines.


delivery of  materials and equipment to the development headings, cargo flow control in the coal mines, transporting of auxiliary materials.


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About the author

Kozina Inna Valeriivna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, part-programmig engineer State higher educational establishment «National Mining University», Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.