Lozhnikov O.V. Implementation of a new dump forming technology in the mining lignite deposits

UDC 622.271

Lozhnikov O.V., Ph.D. (Tech.) (SHEI “NMU”)

Abstract. Mining of open pit exerts a huge negative impact on the environment. Maximal impact is subjected to land, which before mining, as a rule, were used in human activities. Each year, only 80% of total area disturbed by mining operations are restored.

The topicality of the issue is amplified by the fact that the existing technological reclamation scheme can only partially restore a disturbed land in order to use it as it was used before the man-caused disturbance. Thus, agricultural lands which were allotted for and disturbed by mining can be reclaimed only by 50% of the original use. The article presents a new technology of forming dumps with a common surface area, which can improve efficiency of reclamation works at mining a great majority of horizontal deposits.

Keywords: open cast mining, reclamation, dump.


1. National report about consisting of natural environment in Ukraine (2006),  Ministry of natural environment guard of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.

2. Gorlov, V.D. (1981), Rekultivatsiya zemel na karerakh [Pit lands reclamation], Nedra, Moscow, Russia.

3. Pivnyak, G.G., Gumenik, I.L., Drebenshtedt, K. and Panasenko, A.I. (2011), Nauchnyeosnovyratsyonalnogoprirodopolzovaniyapriotkrytoyrazrabotkemestorozhdeniy[Scientific bases of environmental management at the open mining work], National mining university, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

4. Gumenik, I., Panasenko, A., Lozhnikov, O. (2010), “The technology of reclamation work effectiveness increasing by the horizontal deposits mining”, The International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining. Freiberg, pp. 362-366.

5. Lozhnikov, O.V. (2012), “Ground and development the technology of dumps forming with common surface for reclamation lands at mining horizontal deposits”, Ph.D. Thesis, Open pit mining, National Mining University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

About the authors:

Lozhnikov Olexey Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor of Open cast Mining Department, State High Educational Institution “National Mining University” (SHEI “NMU”), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .