Stadniuk K.D. Study of inredependece between rate of face advance and pace of primary prop seating for the main roof

UDC 622.831.27 

Stadniuk K.D. (IFGP NAS of Ukraine)

Abstract. The author defines optimal rates for the face advancing depending on the pace of primary prop seating for the main roof.

The article describes a new approach to mathematical modeling and high-precision calculation of pace of primary prop seating for the main roof in the faces of flat layers of deep mines. Results of empirical researches of pace of primary failures in Pokrovskoe Mine and A.F.Zasyadko Mine are presented. Various factors inducing main roof failure and rate of such factor impact are analyzed. Dependence between the pace of primary prop seating and face length are specified, and conclusions on optimization of these parameters are made.

Basing on the findings, the author concludes that rational longwall length is between 200 m and 280 m and rational rate of the face advancing is in the range of 3.5 - 7 m/day, and also states that dependence of advancing rate and longwall length on the pace of primary prop seating is 2-3 times less when the roof includes a thick sandstone.

Keywords: step planting of the main roof, the velocity of the working face, method of the group accounting of arguments, the degree of influence of factors.


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About the authors:

Stadniuk Kateryna Dmitrivna, Post-Graduate Student, Institute of Physics of Rock Processes of  under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IFGP NAS of Ukraine), Donetsk, Ukraine.