Belyayev N.N., Rostochilo N.V. Study of the air curtain efficiency when it is used for the building local protection against toxic agents migrated in the atmosphere

UDС 622.012: 502.3


N.N. Belyayev, D.Sc. (Tech.), Professor,

N.V. Rostochilo, Master of Science

(SHEE «DNURT named after V. Lazaryan»)


Protection of buildings against hazardous substances migrating in the atmosphere is a pressing problem of today. To overcome this problem, an air curtain can be used presenting a vertical air flow which creates a hydrodynamic barrier for the hazardous agents migrating in the atmosphere. In order to use this method of protection it is necessary to pre-estimate its efficiency for the specific weather conditions and shape of the building. This paper presents a numerical model, which allows to overcome this problem. The model is based on the equations of ideal fluid motion and mass transfer equation. The numerical simulation uses the finite difference schemes. The numerical calculation is carried out on a rectangular grid. In order to form a computational domain and specify the domain features markers are used. The model allows to calculate an efficiency of the air curtain used for the building local protection. Time period for calculating one variant of the problem is few seconds. The article presents results of a computational experiment.


Numerical model, toxic agents, mass transfer equation, equation for the nonviscous-liquid separated flows.


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About the authors:

BelyaevNikolayNikolayevich, Doctor of technical Sciences (D.Sc), Professor, Head of the Department «Hydraulics and water supply» of Dnepropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.   

RoctochiloNataliaVasilievna, Assistant of the Department «Hydraulics and water supply» of Dnepropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.