Eliseev V.I., Lutsenko V.I. Boiling and crystallization in three-phase two-components solution

UDC 532.77/.78


V.I. Eliseev,Ph.D.(Phys.-Mat.), Senior Reseacher,

V.I. Lutsenko, Ph.D.(Tech.) Senior Researcher

(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)


 Following general laws of heat-mass exchange in multiphase systems, common tendencies of vapor bubble and crystal dynamics and growth in a solution were studied with the assumptions that the solution medium consisted of two chemically neutral components - water and sucrose –and include three phases: liquid, solid and gaseous. Conservation equations and equations for interphase interactions are formulated with taking into account specific properties of the aqueous solution of sucrose. Assumptions on which a theory of multiphase heterogeneous systems is based are presented. Dynamic behavior of the three-phase two-component medium in an axial-symmetric channel is described with the help of one-dimensional flow model. It is shown that at low sucrose concentration and initial overheating of the solution in the channelvapor bubbles increase though sugar crystals dissolve. At higher concentrations and inessential overheating, both bubbles and crystals can increase. Thus, it is possible to specify conditions under which crystallization could occurred in the solution.


bubble, crystal, solution, boiling, multiphase system


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About the authors:

Eliseev Vladimir Ivanovich, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Ph.D.(Phys.-Mat.), Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher in Department of Mine  Energy Complexes, N. S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM. NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

Lutsenko VasiliIy Ivanovich, Candidate  of Technical Sciences Ph.D.(Tech.), Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher in Department of Mine  Energy Complexes, N. S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM. NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.,Lutsenko2@yandex,ru