Lavrik M.O., Pavlichenko A.V. The use of phytoremediant plants for restoration of saline soils in the areas of mine water ponds location

UDC 622:504.53


M.O. Lavrik, M.S. (Tech.),

Pavlichenko A.V.,Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor


Abstract. Mine water ponds are the comprehensive source of negative impact on the environment objects. Regime change and pollution of groundwater, flooding and water logging of surrounding areas as well as salinization and soil degradation are taking place in areas where ponds are located. Therefore, there is a need to study features of impact of the mine water ponds on soil condition in the coal regions in order to develop and implement methods of recovery.

The possibility of phytoremediation techniques using to reduce the salinity is investigated. The ability of perennial phytoremediants to affect the physical and chemical indicators of the soils is investigated. The use of phytomeliorators for soils desalination is justified by results of vegetation tests with samples of the saline soils taken at different distances to the mine water ponds. The method of saline soils recovery by using annual and perennial plants is developed.

Keywords: ponds, mine water, saline soils, phytoremediation.


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About the authors:

Lavryk Mariia Olegivna, Doctoral Student of the Department of Ecology, State Higher Educational institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pavlychenko Artem Volodymyrovych, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, associate professor of ecology department, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining Univrsity”, SHEI “NMU”, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.