Belyaev N.N., Nechytaylo N.P. Mathematical modeling of the membrane pore closing in the case of the ultrafiltration of mine waters
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- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 115
UDC 622.5: 628.35
N.N. Belyaev, D.Sc. (Tech.), Professor
(DNURT named after V. Lazaryan)
N.P. Nechytaylo, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Proftssor
Ultrafiltration is one of the most promising methods of wastewater treatment. With this method it is very important to predict the process of clogging the pores of the membrane. In this paper we presented a numerical model of the process. The model is based on equations of motion of an ideal fluid and mass transfer equation. For numerical simulation the finite difference schemes are used. The numerical calculation is carried out on a rectangular grid. For the formation of the computational domain and its change due to the clogging of the pores markers are used. The model allows to calculate the process of clogging pores using computers small and medium power. Calculation time of one variant of the problem is a few seconds. The results of a computational experiment are presented.
numerical simulation, ultra filtration, decreasing of the pore
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About the authors:
BelyaevNikolaiNikolaievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences D.Sc (Tech.), professor, head of the department «Gydraulics and water supply» of Dnepropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Nechytailo Nikolai Petrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor of the department «Gydraulics» of Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.