Kiriya R.V., Larionov N. G. Determining of optimal parameters for the trays on the conveyor belt with deep fluting

UDC 622.647.2


R.V. Kiriya,Ph.D. (Tech.), Senior Researcher,

N. G. Larionov, Doctoral Student

(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)


From the design theory, it is known that the more is inclination of the side roller the higher is a conveyor output and the more is resistance of the belt motion on the carrying rollers. Thus, a task is to determine optimal parameters for the conveyor belt troughs ensuring maximal linear load.

In this article, basing on the established dependence between resistance force of the belt motion in the conveyor with deep belt fluting and tray parameters and weight properties a problem of optimal design of the conveyor line with three- and five-roller supports is set and solved.

Maximal linear load was assumed as an efficiency criterion, and a coefficient of  resistance of the belt motion on the carrying rollers induced by the weight deformation was assumed as restriction factor. Such parameters as angle of the side rollers inclination and width of the tray bottom were assumed as variables.

The problem was solved by probing the variables. For each variable parameter a maximal linear load and, correspondingly, a coefficient of  resistance of the belt motion on the carrying rollers induced by the weight deformation were determined and registered in a table. Further, a maximal value of the linear load and, correspondingly, a minimal coefficient of resistance of the belt motion induced by the weight deformation  were chosen from this table.

The findings shows that optimal inclination of the side rollers in the conveyors with the deep fluting which ensures maximal output for the conveyor is: 400 for the three- and 24°, 40° for the five-roller supports.

Besides, optimal inclination of the side rollers in the conveyors with the deep fluting and three- and five-roller supports is as much as twice of the optimal inclination of the side rollers in the conventional conveyors.


 conveyors with the deep fluting of the belt, carrying roller, efficiency criterion, resistance of the belt motion, optimal parameters.


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About the authors:

Kiriya Ruslan Vissarionovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher in Department of Mining Transport Physics and Mechanics, M. S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Larionov Nikolay Grigorevich, Doctoral Student, Engineer in Department of Mining Transport Physics and Mechanics, M. S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.