Alabyev V.R. Conformities to laws of the heat-mass-exchange processes in a system «environment - gas pipeline - gas of degassing» while transporting wet methane-air medium

UDC 622.817.4: 621.643:536.2


V.R. Alabyev, Ph. D. (Tech.), Senior Reseacher

 (PAS « A.F. Zasyadko mine»)


The use of mine decontamination methane requires the systems of pipelines of coal mines functioning kruglogodychno on a surface. The Metanovozdushnaya mixture (MVS) on an exit from the vacuum-pumps of mine decontamination options contains the weighed moisture and has high relative humidity. At the MVS cooling there is condensation of the aquatic steams contained in MVS. At the negative values of temperature of atmospheric air kondensat grows into ice, that diminishes the internal section of pipelines up to their complete corking. For defence from obmerzanyya on mines apply, mainly, teployzolyatsyyu of decontamination pipelines. However much the question of application of teployzolyatsyy in order to avoid superfluous charges must decide on the basis of thermal calculations taking into account the thermodynamics parameters MVS and environment, remoteness of the вауум-насосных stations from users and other factors. However presently a method allowing to execute such calculations does not exist.


methane drainage, methane-air mixture, degasification pipeline.


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About the author

Alabiyev Vadim Rudolfovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Reseacher, Deputy Director of PAS «Mine named A.F. Zasjadko», Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.