Averin G.V. The essence of logical paradoxes of special relativity theory

UDC 303.732.4:332.1


G.V. Averin, Dr. Sc. (Tech), Professor



The most well-known paradoxes of the special relativity theory (SRT) are reduction of the moving scales in direction of the movement and dilation of the rate of the going clock. A variant of a model for the 4D space-time description is proposed  with no logical paradoxes of the SRT. In this model, when a fixed coordinate system transforms into the moving coordinates only the Galilean transformations are used instead of the Lorentz transform. It is shown that the logical paradoxes of the SRT are associated with the conflicts between a real physical phenomenon and the proposed model of this phenomenon and with improper definition of a concept of time. It is stated that a coordinate time and an intrinsic time of the SRT are mathematic expressions which specify a curvilinear coordinate grid of the 4D space-time description.


 special relativity theory, logical paradoxes, 4D space-time description, Galilean and Lorentz transformations.


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About the author

AverinGennadiyViktorovich, Doctor of Technicel Sciences (Dr.Sc.), Professor, State higher educational establishment «National technical university» of Donetsk (SHEE «DonNTU») of Ministry of Education and Sciense of Ukraine (NMU), Ukraine, averin@donntu.edu.ua