Bokiy A.B. Background of technical decisions on improving of ecological safety of underground development of the coal deposits

UDC622.272: 504.064.4

A.B. Bokiy, M.S. (Tech.)




 Increase of mining operations efficiency is based on intensification of production. However, this process greatly affects atmosphere and requires technical decisions on increase of ecological safety of underground development of the coal deposits. On the basis of specified regularities of  relative gas content changes in the working area with taking into account geomechanical features of caving zone formation a method for reducing gas emission to the surface is proposed. An analytical method is proposed for choosing modes of the main ventilation operations which provide zero zone for controlling methane emitted from the goaf. It is also proposed to irrigate the goafs with a specially prepared mixture in order to reduce methane emissions into underground air.  An expedient quantity of the well clusters and their direction angels are specified for degassing of the goafs. In order to use mixture with low content of methane in the cogeneration stations it is proposed to use preliminary electric ignition in special chambers. An ecological criterion is proposed for estimating different coal mining practices which includes a constant component (methane emission into air of ventilation shafts at normal operation of the mine) and dynamic component (methane emission into ventilation system due to such incidents as coal and gas outbursts). Results presented in the article are the basis for complex ecological safety system in the mining enterprises.


Ecological safety, fans of main ventilation, ecological criterion.


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About the author

Bokiy Alexander Borisovich, Doctoral student of State higher educational establishment «National technical university» of Donetsk (SHEE «DonNTU») of Ministry of Education and Sciense of Ukraine (NMU), Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.