Prytula D.A., Gavrilov V.I., Moskovskiy O.V. Influence of the phase state of methane the gas emission of the coal bed

UDC 622.831.622:831.325


Prytula D.A., M.S. (Tech.) (IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

Gavrilov V.I., Ph.D. (Tech.), Senior Researcher (IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

Moskovskiy O.V., Doctoral of Student (SE «Mine name by F.E. Dzerzhynskogo» SE «Dzerzhynskvugillia»)


Character of laminar methane in mines and boreholes to sudden release, as well as the degree of crushing of coal depends on the microstructure of coal. Structural differences that cause gas-dynamic properties seams, are reflected in the diffusion-kinetic parameters of coal. The basis of the method of calculation of the diffusion parameters of the principle of determining the amount of methane in gassy coal samples of the two factions in the process of desorption of methane by NMR.

According to the diffusion coefficient of gas possible to judge tendency to the formation gas recovery and gas-dynamic phenomena. Results of the calculation of the diffusion coefficient and the activation energy of diffusion. Was established that the diffusion coefficient of the samples of coal from seams that are prone to gas-dynamic phenomena less quantities of 10-12 cm2/s. The values of the measured diffusion coefficient of methane in the coal seam m3 samples 10-10 to 10-11 m2/s correspond solid diffusion and support presence of methane in the coal as a solid solution.

With decreasing temperature, adsorbed water phase transition lies in the interval 243-173 0K depending on the grade of coal, and the temperature of the phase transition of adsorbed methane is below 103 0K.

Adsorbed water from the water-methane mixture moves into a crystal-state at the same temperature as the water in the humidified sample. Sorbed methane stays in a mobile state. Potential barrier retarding the movement of molecules is water adsorbed on carbon, 6.6 kcal/mol. As a result of experimental researches in industrial conditions-OE "mine named. FE Dzerzhinsky "SE" Dzerzhinskugol" on seam l7v-"Pugachevka"efficiency of hydrodynamic impacts through the subterranean borehole established that the gas content of the coal samples taken near borehole process radius of 20 m, much less than in the untreated array and the contents of physically bound water in coal is 1,7 times more of the background.


 gassing, the microstructure of coal, the diffusion-kinetic parameters, the solid-state diffusion of sorbed water and methane, the hydrodynamic impact.


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About the authors:

Prytula Dmytriy Aleksandrovych, Master of Science, engineer in Department of Underground Coal Mining, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Gavrylov Vyacheslav Yvanovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher of Department of Undegroud Coal Mining Technology, M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Moskovskiy Oleg Viktorovich, Doctoral of Student, head of the mine site SE «Mine name by F.E. Dzerjinskiy» SE«Dzerzhynskvugillia» Dzerzhynsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .