Kalugina N.A. Importance of gas filtration for crack formation in the coal seams
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 118
UDC 622.831.242
Kalugina N.A., Ph.D. (Tech.), Senior Researcher (IPMP NAS of Ukraine)
A model is proposed for estimating coal bed methane (CBM) filtration with taking into account process of crack formation at mining operations at great depths in the coal mines. With the help of methods of theoretical physics, a process of main crack development provoked by a quick unloading of a prone-to-outburst coal seam was analyzed, as well as evaluation criteria were established for the process of estimation, and time parameters were specified for the seam edges failure. A phenomenon of main crack development was studied in the edges of the coal seam at rapid rock pressure relief. Distance between newly developing cracks was evaluated with taking into account their characteristics and distance between existing cracks at which the layer-to-layer failure can occur. Such evaluation is made on the basis of the received inequality. A value of compressive stresses in a crack located at a predetermined distance from the surface is assumed as a criterion of the layer-to-layer failure, and such mechanism can be observed in the seam when the gas-dynamic phenomenon is manifested in the form of coal-and-gas outburst.
Key words:
сracking, gas filtration, layer-to-layer failure.
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About the author:
Kaluginа Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, Candidateof Techical Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Researcher, scientific secretary of the Institute of Physics of Mining Processes, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU IFGP), Donetsk, Ukraine, kalugina@ nas.gov.ua.