Kustov V.V. Control of steel flux granulometric characteristics in the finished-product warehouses of the PJSC "Dokuchaievsk flux-dolomite works"

UDC 622.271:658.567


Kustov V.V., M. S. (Tech.) (State H E I «NMU»)


Interdependence between granulometric composition of loose materials, technology of dump formation and massif structure was studied. A scheme based on the curve of the weight distribution in parts is proposed for determining loose material distribution by size in the thin layer of the dump slope. Peculiarities of the loose product distribution by size in to the dumps of different shapes were analyzed in the warehouses of the private company “Dokuchaevsk Fluxing-Dolomite Industrial Complex”.  The schemes are proposed for selective unloading of the floor warehouses in enterprises producing metallurgical flux by different kinds of excavating and loading equipment. Recommendations are given for reducing costs of maintain quality of the products stored in the floor warehouses of enterprises producing metallurgical flux.

Key words:

metallurgical fluxes, granulometric composition, segregation, warehouses for commercial products, technogeneous formations, loose material distribution by size, massif structure.


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About the author:

Kustov Vladimir Vasilyevich, Master of Science, Associate Professor of Оpen-pit mining, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI «NMU»), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .