Mineyev S.P., Potapenko A.A., Moiseenko P.Yu. Impact of surfactants on the process of hydraulic action on the coal seam in conditions of the rock loosening

UDC 622.831.322


Mineyev S.P., D.Sc.(Tech)

(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

Potapenko A.A., M.Sc.(Tech),

Moiseenko P.Yu., Ph. D. (Tech)


Abstract. The purpose of work is the analysis of the results of studies on the effect of surfactants on physical-mechanical properties of coal for the development of the parameters of increase of efficiency of process of hydraulic impacts on the coal seam. Research on assessing the impact of moisture with a surfactant on the change of physico-mechanical properties of coal were carried out in the laboratory of the Institute of geotechnical mechanics of the NAS of Ukraine taking into account the requirements of the General methodological regulations of mining geomechanics. For this stage of the Studies were conducted on coal samples manufactured in the form of cubes 30 x 30 x 30 mm and “балочек” - 30 x 30 x 140 mm. It is established that the use of high-frequency wave influences greatly intensifies the flow of fluid in coal. Surfactants in solutions contributed significantly reduce the elastic and increase inelastic characteristics of outburst of coal. So, in comparison with water, effect of decrease in the elasticity modulus and tensile bending strength is using surfactant is more than 50%.


 hydraulic influence, coal, layer, outburst hazard, superficial are active matters.


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About the authors:

Mineyev Sergey Pavlovich, D.Sc. (Tech), Professor, Head of Department of Pressure Dinamics Control in Rocks, M.S. Pokyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Potapenko Aleksandr Alekseevich, General Director of «Donetsk Coal Energy Company» (DCEK) of Minenergougleprom of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine

Moiseenko Pavel Yuriyevich, Ph. D. (Tech), technologist of «Donetsk Coal Energy Company» (DCEK) of Minenergougleprom of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine