Mets Yu.S., Antonov A.Yu., Levitskіy A.P. Development of methods of the explosive energy мanagement at open-pits based on linear elasticity
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015, Issue 122
Mets Yu.S., D.Sc.(Tech.), professor,
Antonov A.Yu., D.Sc.(Tech.), professor (SHEI "Kryvyi Rih National University")
Levitskіy A.P., M.S (Tech) (LLC "ME-Centre")
The work is dedicated to the development of the effective energy management techniques of explosion at open-pit mines. The basis of the given research is basic provisions of linear elasticity. The analysis of the conditions for achieving the evenly crushing of the rocks was conducted. The possibility of achieving the evenly crushing, by application the explosive with low velocity of detonation in the center part of the explosive charge, or by changing the diameter of the charge, was confirmed. Carried out comparison of the effectiveness of these methods has allowed to determine the advantage of using the method of changing the diameter of the charge by criterion of management efficiency.
Keywords: open-pit mine, energy of explosion, elasticity.
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About the authors:
Mets YuriySemenovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, Department of surface mining, SHEI "Kryvyi Rih National University", Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Antonov Andriy Yurіyovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, Department of surface mining, SHEI "Kryvyi Rih National University", Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Levitskiy Andriy Pavlovich, M.S (Tech), General Director of LLC "ME-Centre", Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.