Gubenko D.I. Mechanism of compressed air transportion through the leaky pipeline to the mine consumers

UDC 622.457.2:620.165.29


Gubenko D.I., M.S. (Tech), head SRL-110

(SE - Design Office "Yuzhnoye" by M.K. Yangel)

Abstract. The article presents a new method for estimating affect of leaktightness rate in ele-

ments of mine pneumatic systems on these systems power efficiency. Physical laws of air flowing

via an area with local leakage in the pipeline of a mine pneumatic system were established. It is first

time when an energy equation has been established for gas flowing through the area with local lea-

kage in the pipeline. This equation describes dependence between gas parameters, their initial and

final values, characteristics of the pipeline and mass value of the gas leakage. It is stated that power

efficiency of a mine pneumatic system depends  on the system total  leaktightness, compressed air

pressure at entrance to and exit from the pneumatic system, characteristics of certain sectors of the

system and time when the power efficiency is estimated. 

The findings can minimize losses of the compressed air during its transportation to the mine

consumers and increase the consumers’ productivity.

Keywords: mine pneumatic system, leaktightness, leakage, compressed air, energy, power effi-



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About the author

Gubenko Dmitry Ivanovich, Master of Scince, Head of SRL-110, State Enterprise - Design Office " Yuzhnoye" by M.K. Yangel (SE ―Design Office " Yuzhnoye " by M.K. Yangel), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .