Bulat A.F., Kirik G.V., Shevchenko V.G. Advanced solutions on improving efficiency of hydrocarbon deposit mining by energy-saving compressor equipment
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015, Issue 120
UDC [622.002.5:621.51/.54].001.5
Bulat A.F., Acad. NASU, D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor
(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)
Kirik G.V., D.Sc. (Tech.),
(Concern “Ukrrosmetall”)
Shevchenko V.G., D.Sc. (Tech.), Senior Researcher
(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)
Fundamental researches were conducted in the field of creating new composition materials for parts and units in the compressor equipment. In result of the researches, new methods were created for calculating and designing heat-exchanging equipment. Methods of calculating regime parameters for compressor equipment were improved. Basing on the new methods and results of the fundamental researches advanced solutions were proposed on improving efficiency of hydrocarbon deposit mining by energy-efficient compressor equipment.
A new method of man-caused nitrogen impact on the strata of condensed gas deposits was developed to increase condensate recovery. Design solutions were developed for compressor equipment for gas producing, gathering and transporting from the low-pressure and stripped wells. Methods were developed for preparing and transporting associated gas by means of compressor stations.
To improve efficiency of the coal deposit development, new technologies were created for underground generation of fluid power. Methods were also created for preventing, containing, extinguishing fires in underground coal mines and equipping the oil and gas wells with nitrogen compressor stations. A technology was worked out for the CMM recycling and cogenerating by gas-utilizing compressors.
Realization of the technology with the compressor machines has improved efficiency and safety of mining operations in the coal, oil and gas deposits with essential economic effect due to the elimination of accidents, saving of equipment, increased output of coal, gas condensate and associated gas and methane recovery and utilization.
development of hydrocarbon deposits, energy-saving compressor equipment, increasing efficiency and safety.
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About the authors:
Bulat Anatoly Fedorovich, Academician of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, Director of the Institute, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
KirikGrigory Vasilevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), President, Concern “Ukrrosmetall”, Sumy, Ukraine.
Shevchenko Vladimir Georgievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the Institute, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .