Slobodyanyuk V.K., Turchin Yu.Yu. Development of rational methods for construction of haulage inclines in a complex mining environment of the deep open pits

UDC 622.271.4


Slobodyanyuk V.K.  , Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor (State HEI «KNU»)

Turchin Yu.Yu.,  Doctoral Student (State HEI «KNU»)


Analysis of mining companies work shows that during the last years, due to great deepening of the open pits and increasing their sizes along the daylight surface, periodic flooding of the pit lower horizons with rain and subsoil water have happened more frequently. In this context, the current approaches to construction of haulage inclines with using a face shovel is inefficient and unsafe.  Development and justification of new resource-saving and safe technologies for opening the deep horizons allowing for the partial or full flooding of the pit floor are relevant to date. Factors affecting the rate of opening the benches are analyzed in this article. Rate of the haulage inclines constructing is determined with taking into account waterlogging with the pit waters. A combined method of using a backhoe hydraulic shovel and a face shovel was developed for constructing the haulage inclines. Classification of the combined methods for constructing the haulage inclines is proposed.


horizons stripingmethods of constructing the haulage inclines.


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About the authors:

Slobodyanyuk Valeriy Konstantinovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D),, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Open Pit Mining Department, State Higher Educational Institution «Kryviy Rih National University» (SHEI “KNU”), Kryviy Rih, Ukraine , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Turchin Yurey Yuryevich, Postgraduate Student of Open Pit Mining Department, State Higher Educational Institution «Kryviy Rih National University» (SHEI “KNU”), Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .