Mametova L.F. The mineral katagenesis and deformations as the key factors impacting on the rock geomechanical properties
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2016
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2016, Issue 130
Geoteh. meh. 2016, 130, 53-62
Mametova L.F.
IGTM NAS of Ukraine
UDC 552.08:622.02:539.2/.8
Abstract. The research results of mineral transformation in the rocks of Donbass coalfields are presented in the article. Sandstones samples of medium carbon from the G-grade coal spreading areas in peripheral areas of the region were studied. In the course of optical and other researches, difference between intensity of geochemical transformations and microstrain of essential minerals in the western and eastern sediments was determined. Geochemical and structural changes of the sandstone minerals are similar in these areas, but there are a number of signs indicating an impulsive nature of tectonic movements and different stress intensity, which is higher in the east and lower in the southwest. The first sing is an established differentiation between microstrain types spreading in the rockforming minerals. Combinations of the quartz elastic deformations are more complex in the east. The second sign is that temperature gradient in the east is higher due to the hidden magma centres and "thermal domes", which speed up changes in the feldspars and carbonates and affect the katagenesis. The third sign is that in result of deformations, mineral structural defects are opened and morphology of cavitated microspace changes. In conditions of the rock uneven volumetric compression, width and length of the cracks opening inside and between the mineral grains increases. These processes affect the state of the rock mass.
Keywords: Donbass, sandstones, katagenesis, minerals, deformations, quartz.
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About the authors:
Mametova Liudmyla Fedorivna, Candidate of Geology (Ph.D.), Senior Researcher in Laboratory of Researches of the Structural Changes in the Rock in Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great depths, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine, .