Rubel A.A. Research of aerodynamic resistance of different types of constructions armyrovky vertical mine shafts

Geoteh. meh. 2017, 136, 221-232


1Rubel A.A.
1SP «OK «Ukruglerustrukturizatsiya»

UDC 622.6:622.674:622.673.1

Abstract. Annotation. In the work, the aerodynamic resistance of various types of reinforcement of vertical barrels to the movement of the air jet was investigated. The resulting aerodynamic resistances of the reinforcement tiers of the reinforcement to the movement of the air jet by the method of blowing through separate sections in the ANSYS 17.0 program are considered and defined. The aerodynamic resistances of the tier of various types of trunk reinforcement were determined and the most rational reinforcement schemes were selected (by the resistance factor of the air flow). From the results of the study, it was found that reinforcement structures with cable-type conductors (CTC) and cantilever shootings allow to achieve barrel resistance comparable to flexible cable reinforcement, however, no increase in trunk diameter is required due to horizontal dynamic oscillations (500 mm per side). The introduction of reinforcement with gearboxes in vertical shafts will allow: - to reduce the aerodynamic resistance of the barrel reinforcement to the movement of the air jet by 8-10 times; - to reduce the fan power consumption by 20% during the entire life of the mine, due to the choice of the most rational types of reinforcement and trunk tiers for the entire life of the mine; - reduce the dimensions of the cross section of the trunk by the factor of ventilation of mine workings, through the use of more rational types of trunk reinforcement; - reduce the operating costs of maintenance of reinforcement; - to reduce capital costs when choosing the optimal diameter of the trunk according to the air throughput factor of the trunk; - to increase the level of safe operation of the trunk and the reliability of ventilation of underground mine workings of the mine as a whole.
Keywords: Keywords: vertical shaft shafts, aerodynamic drag, barrel reinforcement, rope-profile conductors.


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 About the author:

Rubel Andrey Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Chief Power Engineering Specialist of DP «OK «Ukruglerestrukturizatsiya», Kiev, Ukraine, AORubel