Kobets A.S., Puhach A.M. Substantiation of radius of the circle of guide curved of spearhead cultivation claw

Substantiation of radius of the circle of guide curved of spearhead cultivation claw

Kobets A.S., Puhach A.M.


Kobets A.S., D. Sc. (Public Administration), Professor(DSAEU),
Puhach A.M.,
D. Sc. (Public Administration), Associate Professor (DSAEU)

UDC 631.316.022.4

Language: Russian


The authors substantiate the circle radius for the guide curve of the cultivator hoe nose having in mind ensuring the qualitative execution of technological process at the lowest energy costs. The current tendencies for obtaining an ecologically clean production demand partial or total refuse from chemical methods of the weed control. As a result, the importance of cultivators as the most effective mechanical means of the weed control is increasing. The analysis of theoretical and practical developments in the sphere of cultivator improvement shows the key tendencies, which are as follows: to improve wear resistance of operating elements; to upgrade cutting ability of center hoe; to improve moving stability by cutting depth and coverage; to optimize overall layout of the machine; and to design new operating elements and combined aggregates. The circle radius was substantiated for the guide curve arch in the cultivator hoe nose. The dependencies between the soil stresses are established for different parts of the hoe blade.


guide curve, cultivator hoe, soil cultivation, cultivator, blade, nose


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About the authors:

Kobets Anatoliy Stepanovych,Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Rector, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Agriculture and Economics, Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pugach Andrey Nikolayevich, Doctor of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of research department, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Agriculture and Economics, Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.