Mineyev S.P., Kocherga V.N., Yanzhula A.S., Samokhvalov D.Yu., Gulay A.A., Golub S.N., Lisnyak S.S. Evaluation of concentration of indicating gases in clearing slaughtering of mine management “Pokrovskoye”

Evaluation of concentration of indicating gases in clearing slaughtering of mine management “Pokrovskoye”

Mineyev S.P., Kocherga V.N., Yanzhula A.S., Samokhvalov D.Yu., Gulay A.A., Golub S.N., Lisnyak S.S.


Mineev S.P., D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor (IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
Kocherga V.N., Chief Technologist (IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
Yanzhula A.S., M.S. (Tech.), (Mine management “Pokrovskoye”),

Samokhvalov D.Yu., M.S. (Tech.) (MD of the State service of Ukraine for labor in Donetsk region),
Gulay A.A., M.S. (Tech.) (Mine management “Pokrovskoye”),
Golub S.N., M.S. (Tech.) (Mine management “Pokrovskoye”),
Lisnyak S.S., M.S. (Tech.) (Mine management “Pokrovskoye”)

UDC 622.831.2

Language: Russian


The refined methodology of indicating gas evaluation is considered for the conditions of mining operations in fire-risk coal seams. Points were determined for measuring rates of indicating gas and taking samples. Methodology of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sampling is given for laboratory determination of the gas concentrations. Basing on the lab data, the background values of indicating gases are estimated for each stope. Concentrations (of CO and H2) were measured in the Pokrovskoye Mine in mining and geological conditions of the 12th southern longwall, block 10, coal seam d4. Basing on the obtained data, it is possible to evaluate background values of indicating gases by the state of the carbonaceous massif in terms of potential spontaneous ignition of the seam and dying down of the fire that has already occurred. Signs of the fire putting out is absence of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and unsaturated hydrocarbons (ethylene, propylene) in the air stream or their reduced content up to the background level, as well as water and air temperature reduced to the temperature not more than 3…5 °C higher than usual temperature in the isolated area of the considered horizon. The state of the atmosphere in the emergency area of the 7th southern longwall, block 10, is analyzed with taking into account its background state.


indicating gases, background value, coal, seam, roadways


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About the authors:

Mineev Sergey Pavlovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Professor, Head of the department, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kocherga Viktor Nikolayevich, engineer, Chief Technologist, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine

Yanzhula Aleksey Sergeevich, engineer, Chief Engineer of Mine Management “Pokrovskoye”, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

Samokhvalov Dmitrii Yurievich, Engineer, Main Department of the State Service of Ukraine for Labor in Donetsk region, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

Gulay Aleksey Aleksandrovich, engineer, Head for ventilation and technique of safety of Mine Management “Pokrovskoye”, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

Golub Sergey Nikolaevich, engineer, Chief of tenth squad of Militarized Mountain Rescue Unit, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

Lisnyak Sergey Sergeyevich, engineer, Deputy Chief of tenth squad of Militarized Mountain Rescue Unit, Pokrovsk, Ukraine