Mineyev S.P., Yanzhula O.S., Kishkan M.A., Kiryakov M.A., Mineyev O.S. Implementation of shock blasting mode in mine working conveying

Implementation of shock blasting mode in mine working conveying

Mineyev S.P., Yanzhula O.S., Kishkan M.A., Kiryakov M.A., Mineyev O.S.


Mineev S.P., D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor (IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
Yanzhula O.S., M.S. (Tech.) (Mine management “Pokrovskoye”),

Kostritsa A.A., M.S. (Tech.) (IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
Kiryakov M.A., M.S. (Tech.) (Mine management “Pokrovskoye”),

Mineev O.S., Ph. D. (Tech.) (SHEI “NMU”)

UDC 622.261.35:622.235.672

Language: Russian


In Ukraine, shock blasting, used for mining operations in the coal mines, is regulated by numerous normative documents. At the same time, the shock blasting causes a number of breakdowns in production process and different gas-dynamic phenomena, including those, which lead to death of people. In the mines, shock blasting is used: for coal breaking in the prone-to-outburst seams regardless of the forecast results and efficiency of the preventive measures; in risk seams with index “Danger” according to the current forecast; and when driving the roadways in the prone-to-outburst coal seams.

The shock blasting is used in mines with wide range of mining and geological conditions. In the especially dangerous-by-outburst seams, while using the shock blasting, it is recommended to apply methods, which reduce intensity and frequency of gas and coal outbursts: greater depth of unloading zone in the face area of the coal bed; pilot loosening of enclosing rocks; advanced blasting; blasting of blast-hole charge in the enclosing rocks; pilot loosing (camouflet blasting) of the coal mass. Besides, passport of drilling and blasting operations with formation of the piled blocking retaining wall is applied. Area of the unloading zone in the face area is increased by the coal mass pilot shooting and pilot hydroblasting.

Using the shock blasting mode in the mining operations is proved to be one of the safest methods for escaping the gas-dynamic phenomena. At the same time, this method, as a rule, is one of the most cost-inefficient especially when continuous operation of the coalmine is needed. Therefore, the basic research should be continued having in mind reduction of the method costs and improvement of its efficiency.


mode, shock blasting, use, face driving, gas-dynamic phenomena, forecast


1. Ministry of Coal Industry (2010), NPAOP 10.0-1.10.10. Pravyla bezpeky u vugílnykh shakhtakh [RLALP 10.0-1.10.10. Rules of carelessness at coal mines], Osnova, Kiev, Ukraine.

1. Mineev, S.P. (2016), Sposoby prognoza i borby s gazodinamicheskimi yavleniyami na shakhtakh Ukrainy [Methods for forecasting and combating gas-dynamic phenomena in the mines of Ukraine], Vostochnyy izdatel’skiy dom, Mariupol, Ukraine.

2. Mineev, S., Yanzhula, O., Gulai, O. (et al.) (2016), “Application of shock blasting mode in mine roadway construction”, Mining of Mineral Deposits, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 91-96.

3. Pesotskiy, M.K., Butukov, A.Yu., Beloded, A.V. and Pesotskiy, M.M. (2001), “Explosive work in the faces of excavations of increased danger”, Ugol’ Ukrainy, no. 11-12, pp. 41-43.

4. Mineev, S.P. and Rubinskiy, A.A. (2009), “The main regularities of the manifestation of powerful gasdynamic phenomena in coal mines”, Naukoví pratsí Donetskogo natsíonalnogo tekhníchnogo uníversytetu. Seríya «Gírnicho-geologíchna», no. 10(151), pp. 129-136.

 About the authors:

Mineev Sergey Pavlovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Professor, Head of the department, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yanzhula Aleksey Sergeevich, engineer, Chief Engineer of Mine Management “Pokrovskoye”, Pokrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kostritsa Andrey Alekseevich, engineer, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine

Kiryakov Mikhail Anatolievich, engineer, Head of Mine-penetrating Building Management “Pokrovskoye”, Pokrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mineev Aleksandr Sergeyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor in National Mining University, Dnipro, Ukraine,