Nosal D.A., Shevchenko V.H. Procedure for classifying, analyzing and reacting to dangerous actions

Geoteh. meh., 2018, 143, 143-152


1Nosal D.A., 2Shevchenko V.H.

1«DTEK ENERGO» LLC, 2Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Polyakov NAS of Ukraine

UDC 622.8.012.2:658.382.3

Language: Russian


The procedure of classifying, analyzing and reacting to dangerous actions (DA) is considered, i.e. the  violations of the established rules and norms made by an employee in the form of actions that have led to an inccident at the workplace or accident, or have created a real threat of such consequences or the omission of personnel that have led or could lead to an incident or accident. The procedure determines a unified order for registration and accounting of DA for subsequent analysis, identification of priority areas and development of corrective measures to prevent them. Statistics show that DA, as a rule, leads to microtraumas, light or hard injuries and deaths. Classification of DA includes: DA of an emergency nature, DA of a serious nature, DA of a minor nature. Tools for detecting and reacting to DA include: procedure for conducting an incident internal investigation; regulation on the token system; procedure for conducting three-level intra-departmental monitoring of the state of labor protection; basic rules. The procedure for conducting an internal investigation of incidents and DA in turn determines a unified order for internal reporting, registration and investigation of incidents in structural units. Classification of DA provides for the construction of a matrix of DA potential. Registration assumes generating a report on the detected DA. Analysis of DA is carried out by the safety committee of the enterprise. The matrix of DA potential includes types of DA and maximum possible severity of consequences: DA of an emergency nature; DA of a serious nature; DA of a minor nature. Report on the detected DA includes types of DA and their nature. Analysis of DA includes preparation and work with a table of types of DA and their quantity with separating those DA that are subject to correction. This analysis is carried out on a monthly basis both for individual units and for the enterprise as a whole. A comparison of the pyramids of DA for the last years shows a significant decrease of extreme emergency DA, that is why more attention is focused on serious DA and minor ones. Accounting of stoppages of work by reasons of labour protection and industrial safety is automated, all data are reflected in the SAP ERP system.


classification, analysis, reaction to dangerous actions, procedure, classification, matrix of dangerous actions potential.


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About the authors

Nosal DmytroOleksandrovych., Master of Science, Manager of the Department of Labor Protection and Industrial Safety of the Coal Mining Directorate, DTEK ENERGO LLC, Pavlograd, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Shevchenko Volodymyr Georgiyovych., Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Polyakov NAS of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .