Monastyrsky V.F. On the issue of man-caused damageability of diamond

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 138, 185-195


On the issue of man-caused damageability of diamond

Monastyrsky V.F.


Monastyrsky VF, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher (IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

UDC 622.724; 622.76



In the article, results of scientific and practical studies of diamond damaging during technological operations are presented. Problems of diamond damaging due to explosions, in the crushers, presses, due to the grinding wet autogenous mills and during transportation by the belt conveyors and hydraulic transport are considered. It is established that integrity of diamonds is better at optimal parameters of technological operations. Technology of shooting operations assumes adjusting of explosion energy effected on the face in such a way when kimberlite is destructed before the explosive wave reaches crystal of the diamond giving the crystal no chance to be damaged due to the compression of surrounding rocks. During the technological operations, volume of kimberlite and free diamonds is compressed, and proper rate of the compression should be provided by the devices with controlled maximum rate of compression. When diamond-contained raw materials are ground by the wet autogenous mills, diamond damaging directly depends on the mill’s operational mode. The optimal mode is cascade:  diamond damaging is 1.5-2 times less. When raw material is transported by the belt conveyor or hydraulic transport, the most important factor is power of interaction between diamond and elements of conveyor or discharge sector of hydraulic pump. Probability of diamond damaing in the charge sector of conveyor is 3 times less than in hydraulic pump. It is recommended to use bore-hole charges with air interval; ore-crushing presses with system of controlled compression maximum; optimal frequency of drum rotation in the wet autogenous mills: (0.60‑0.65)n for wet autogenous mills 9,0´2,8; and 0.50 nкр for TGL 5.0´2.3; belt conveyor equipped with roller carriages and shock absorber installed in the charge sector.


diamond damaging, technological operation, explosion, parameters, mode, press, crusher, mill, conveyer, pump, energy, tensions, probability.


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About the authors

Monastyrsky Vitaly Fedorovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, Senior Researcher in Department of Mining Transport Physics and Mechanics, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Polyakov of National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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