Derkach O.D., Makarenko D.O., Litvintseva Yu.O., Derkach V.D. Upgrading of machines for surface tillage (for cultivators)

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 138, 260-270


Upgrading of machines for surface tillage (for cultivators)

Derkach O.D., Makarenko D.O., Litvintseva Yu.O., Derkach V.D.


Derkach O.D., Cand. tech Sciences, associate professor, head of the department (DDAEU)

Makarenko D.O., Cand. tech Sciences, Associate Professor (DDAEU)

Litvintseva Yu.O., Master's Degree (DDAEU)

Derkach VD, Master's Degree (DDAEU)

UDC 631.3-1/-9

Language: English


The article presents analysis of the state of crop production in Ukraine. It was established that in 2014, 45613 agricultural enterprises were registered in Ukraine, among them 24596 were small farms with area less than 50 hectares. All small farms and most of large enterprises (holdings) use traditional farming technologies, which assume cultivation as the prime method for surface and presowing tillage. For this purpose, cultivators are widely used, whose operational drawbacks are described in the article.

It is stated that design concept of parallelogram mechanism for cultivators based on metal friction elements has exhausted itself. In order to improve reliability of machines and stability of operating depth, it is proposed to use sliding bearings made of polymer composites. Six composites were used for the study: polyamide 6,6; filled with fiberglass and carbon fiber.

Analysis of literature showed that such scientists as Abramov L.M., Kreidlin L.M., Klimchuk Y.F., Burya O. I., Tsurpal I.A., Murgas M. and others were involved into the problem of introduction and development of structural plastics in agricultural machines. However, their researches did not concern machines for surface tillage and cultivators, in particular.

Several of the most common structural plastics were used for studying the properties: Nylon 66, PA-6-210X, PA6 / 6.6 R196-GF30, Kocetal GF705, Kocetal K300 and CCPA-6-30.

The purpose of this work is to design and implement parts made of structural plastics into movable joints of cultivators. Properties of the movable joints were studied by original and standard methods: friction and wear, abrasive wear.

In the article, results of comparison of characteristics of the most widespread polymers and composites on their basis are presented.

It was established that carbon plastic features the best tribotechnical characteristics with coefficient of friction being 0.16, while for all other materials this index was within 0.21…0.49. Carbon fiber wear was also by one order lower.

Basing on laboratory results, it is proposed to modernize design of cultivators through the use of polymer composite materials. We also recommend to use polymer composite UPA-6-30 in the parallelogram mechanism of cultivators. It is further recommended to treat the parts in oil before their installation. Such design and technology for making parts of carbon plastic do not require their further maintenance.

The technology was implemented by the company Soyuz-Composite and introduced into educational process of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University.


carbon plastic, cultivator, tribotechnical characteristic, abrasive.


1. Derkach, O.D. and Makarenro, D.O. (2015), “Use of wide-range technique in the conditions of natural land-production”, Natural agricultural production in Ukraine: problems of formation, prospects of development: Inter-national. science-practice conf, – pp. 52-54, Dnipropetrovsk, DDAEU, Ukraine.

2. State Statistics Committee of Ukraine (2015), Statistichniy Biuleten Ukraini za 2014 rіk [Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine for 2014], Consultant, Kyiv, Ukraine.

3. Derkach, A.D., Makarenko, D.A. and Naumenko N.N. (2015), “Application of carbon plastics in wide-spread seeding machines”, International scientific, scientific applied and informational journal. no. 2, pp. 3-6, YearLXI, Sofia.

4. Buria, A.I. (2015), “Modernization of the pantograph mechanization of cultivator KP-6 MAXIM”, The international scientific and practical conference «Complex zabezpechennya jakcosti tehnologichnykh protsessiv ta sistem», pp. 45-46.

About the authors

Derkach Oleksіi Dmitrovich, Candidate of Technical Science (Ph. D.), Head of Department of operation of the machine-tractor park Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (DSAEU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Makarenko Dmitro Oleksandrovich, Candidate of Technical Science (Ph. D.), Associate Professor in Department of operation of the machine-tractor park Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (DSAEU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Litvintseva Yulia Olegovna, Master of Science, Department of operation of the machine-tractor park Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (DSAEU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Derkach Vasil Dmitrovich, Master of Science, Department of operation of the machine-tractor park Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (DSAEU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.