Shevchenko H.O., Shevchenko V.H., Pukhalskyi V.M. Vibrational feeders with vibro-impact adaptive drive

Geoteh. meh. 2019, 147, 121-140


1Shevchenko H.O., 1Shevchenko V.H., 2Pukhalskyi V.M.

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukrain, 2State Enterprise “Eastern Ore Dressing Complex”

UDC 622.349.5.002.68:622.8

Language: English


The object of the research is the vibrational feeders with vibro-impact adaptive drive, the characteristic feature of which is the multifrequency excitation and self-adjusting of the oscillations parameters, including the frequency spectrum, to change the mass of the technological load. The basis of the problem solution is the excitation of vibro-impact oscillations of the working body (tray) of the feeder, at which in its vibration drive the resonant frequency oscillations are realized, the intensity and frequency spectrum of which increase with increasing the technological load on the feeder tray, which distinguishes such vibrators from those used in typical feeders. When increasing the load on the tray from the bulk medium at output from the bunkers or reflacted ore from the chambers of ore blocks, the vibro-impact drive adapts to this by increment of parameters and the oscillations spectrum of the vibro-impact drive impactor, which, respectively, are transmitted to the tray and bulk media. Vibro-impact systems with such vibro-excitement with parameters and dynamic loading, identical with analogues, have, depending on their purpose, from 3 to 8 times less power consumption, and from 3 to 5 times increase in the intensity of oscillations. So when changing the mass of the tray with the attached mass of bulk medium from 300 to 3000 kg, its acceleration increases by 2.4 times, from 60 to 143 m/s2. At multifrequency excitation, an increase in the level and depth of vibration spreading in an massive of bulk media, the destruction of frozen bulk material, static equilibrium bonds, and reduction the forces of adhesive and friction between particles of bulk material. Thus, the vibro-impact drive of the vibrating feeder is adapted to change the load on the feeder tray from the bulk medium on it. At the same time, due to polyfrequency excitation, the mobility of the technological medium that is being processed is improved, which is especially important for the control of freezing and adhesion of materials in the bunkers, or in the pillar of the reflacted rock mass during its output by the vibrating feeders from the chambers of the wining blocks at the underground mining of minerals. All this compared with the harmonic excitation of a typical feeder tray will lead to an increase in the productivity and efficiency of the vibration output of bulk media from bunkers or chambers of ore blocks.

Keywords: underground mining of minerals, vibrational feeders, bulk medium, vibro-impact adaptive drive, multifrequency excitation, oscillations parameters, frequency spectrum, power consumption.




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About the authors


Shevchenko Heorhii Oleksandrovych., Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Senior Researcher, Head of laboratory of Vibratory processing of mineral raw materials, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(IGTM, NAS of Ukraine), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shevchenko Volodymyr Heorhiiovych., Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc), Professor, Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(IGTM, NAS of Ukraine), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pukhalskyi Victor Mykolaiovych., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Chief Engineer, State Enterprise “Eastern Ore Dressing Complex”, Zhovti Vody, Ukraine.