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2019, Issue 145
Bunko T.V., Shyshov M.V., Bokiі O.B., Belikov A.S., Zhalilov O.Sh., Kokoulin I.Ye. Increase of energy efficiency of mine fans work on a mine vent network
Bezruchko K.А, Burchak О.V, Balalaiev О.К. Gas generation by coal matter in contemporary conditions
Ilin S.R., Adorska L.H., Samusia V.I., Kolosov D.L., Ilina I.S. Conceptual bases of intensification of mining operations in mines of Ukraine based on monitoring and condition management of mine hoisting systems
Ishchenko K.S., 2Us S.A., Ishchenko О.K.,2Koba D. V. New methodical approaches to justify selection explosive for destruction of solid rocks
Karhapolov А.А., Prykhodchenko S.Yu., Chelkan V.V. Distribution of seisms foci during the mining of 19th eastern longwall and eastern inclined longwall № 3
Lapshyn Ye.S., Molchanov R.N., Кhaminich A.V. Method for determining the rational parameters of dynamic dampers of low-frequency vibrations
Poluliakh A.D., Poluliakh D.A., Kostyria S.V., Kabakova L.B. Extractions of size granding classes in undersize
Prokhorets L.V. On the informativeness of the shock pulse method for controlling the geocomposite constructions strength
Serhiienko V.M. Defectoscope for control of concrete timbering underground constructions
Skipochka S.I. Conceptual basis of mining intensification by the geomechanical factor
Trokhymets М.Ya., Maltseva V.Ye., Vialushkin Ye.O., Аntonchik V.Ye., Moskalova Т.V., Polushyna M.V. Method and equipment for the safe development of preparatory workings in the gas-bearing coal seams
Tytov O.O., Haddad J.S., Sukhariev V.V. Modelling of mined rock thin layer disintegration taking into consideration its properties changing during compaction
Yelisieiev V.I., Lutsenko V.I., Shevchenko S.А., Shevchenko A.Р., Tolstopyat O.Р., Flieier L.О. Response of oscillatory system “liquid layer- rod” to driving disturbances