Oleksandr Zhevzhyk, Leonid Kholiavchenko, Serhii Davydov, Iryna Potapchuk, Liudmyla Kabakova, Olena Gupalo, Vitalii Pertsevyi, Nataliia Morozova. Mathematical modeling of heating of coal particle within the space between electrodes of arc-heating reactor

 Geoteh. meh. 2020, 155, 181-188




1Oleksandr Zhevzhyk, 2Leonid Kholiavchenko,2Serhii Davydov,2Iryna Potapchuk, 2Liudmyla Kabakova, 2,3Olena Gupalo, 1Vitalii Pertsevyi,4Nataliia Morozova

1Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 3National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, 4LLC "CHEMICAL FACTORY "OSNOVA"

Language: English

Abstract. A mathematical model of heating of coal particles that move in the initial section of a submerged gas jet within the space between electrodes of reaction chamber of arc-heating reactor is created. The model takes into account convective heat transfer and heat transfer by radiation from a sphere (particle) – circle (anode) system. The temperatures of particles on mechanical trajectory are obtained depending on particle diameters and the initial coordinate of nozzle leaving.


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