Oleksii Kwilinski, Yuliya Zaloznova, Nataliia Trushkina, Nataliia Rynkevych. Organizational and methodological support for ukrainian coal enterprises marketing activity improvement

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 154, 128-136



1Oleksii Kwilinski, 2Yuliya Zaloznova, 2Nataliia Trushkina,3Nataliia Rynkevych

1The London Academy of Science and Business, 2Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine,3Prydniprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Language: English

Abstract.The tendencies of marketing policy development in some world’s mining countries in the light of global transformational changes are considered. The factors influencing the marketing activity of Ukrainian coal mining enterprises are identified. The volumes and structure of coal consumption in Ukraine are analyzed with a purpose to identify trends of demand volatility and specifics of logistics services for different consumer categories. It is substantiated the expediency of marketing networks formation as a form of partnership relations between different counterparties in the coal market. It is proposed the mechanism of realization of public-private partnership in the management of coal-mining enterprises marketing activity based on syndicate form of incorporation. It is improved the methodological approach, which by use of the hierarchy analysis method allows selecting the optimal direction of enterprises organizational culture transformation based on defining 12 the most important criteria and their systematization into 4 groups. An integrated assessment of the level of organizational culture development of coal mining enterprises is made using economic and mathematical tools.


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