Olha Dubinchyk, Dmytro Bannikov, Vitalii Kildieiev, Vitalii Kharchenko. Geotechnical analysis of optimal parameters for foundations interacting with loess area

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 153, 91-97




1Olha Dubinchyk, 1Dmytro Bannikov, 1Vitalii Kildieiev,1Vitalii Kharchenko

1Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Language: English

Abstract. The article highlights results of the geotechnical analysis of the stress and strain state for the base of a subsoil massif under its interaction with the strip foundations. The massif is represented by loess soils which while soaking give overtime subsidences that complicate the operation of a building or a structure. Through geotechnical iterative research, optimization of the parameters for strip foundations on four axes at a four-storeyed residential building is carried out. Checks are performed on two groups of limiting states for scenarios of soil occurrence in natural, moistened and compacted states. The optimum dimensions in the width of strip foundations are selected, they give approximately the same strain values of the base after the creation of the soil bedding with its layer-by-layer compaction. The relevance of this research is to develop optimal parameters in the design of strip foundations for shallow depth on subsidental loess soils.


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