Bezruchko K.А.,, Pymonenko L.I., Baranovskyi V.I., Hopkalo V.V. Digital processing of coalpetrography photomicrographs as a method for solving the applied geological problems

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 150, 74-81



1Bezruchko K.А.,, 1Pymonenko L.I., 1Baranovskyi V.I., 1Hopkalo V.V.

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poliakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

UDC [550.8:550:85:552.1]:004.94

Language: Russian


All geological researches are regulated by the state or international standards. They often require expensive equipment and due operators’ qualifications; besides, it is time-consuming and costly. Simultaneously, the analysis of publications in the world scientific geological literature demonstrates a tendency towards more often use of methods of digital photo processing with the help of optical and electron microscopy. This work shows the possibility of determining the coal ranks, petrographic composition, recoverability of the gelled substance, and the degree of disturbance (fracturing) by using digital processing of coal petrography photomicrographs obtained with the video optical complex: MBI-11, HB 200, Scope photo software in Jmicrovision and ImageJ programs. On the example provided by a number of computer programs for processing photomicrographs, obtained as a result of coal petrography researches, we showed the possibility of solving the specific geological problems: determining the coal ranks, determining recoverability of the gelled substance for coals, calculating the petrographic composition of coal, determining the degree of coal disturbance. An object of the study (digital photomicrographs) is not under the influence of time, like physical preparations, which makes it possible to verify and reproduce them in any laboratory. The advantage of the proposed method is the possibility of conducting point measurements and a significantly wider range of indexes values (in the case of RO – by 100 times wider), which increases the accuracy of the determination. Relative indexes (between different macerals) allow leveling technological measurement errors. All results obtained by the above methods were compared with the actual data derived by standardized methods. The comparison showed complete convergence of the final results. The proposed methods for coal petrography researches can be used as auxiliary, for the rapid assessment of a number of indexes while solving geological problems, as well as independent, replacing the time-consuming and expensive standard methods.


coal, petrographic studies, optical microscopy, photomicrographs, digital processing


1. Computer program Scope Photo Image Software, available at: (Accessed 22 January 2020).

2. Computer program Jmicrovision, available at: html (Accessed 22 January 2020).

3. Computer program ImageJ, available at: html (Accessed 22 January 2020).

4. ASTM D388-18a, Standard Classification of Coals by Rank, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, (2018), available at:

5. Paul Hackley. (2014). Standardization of vitrinite reflectance measurements in shale petroleum systems: how accurate are my Ro data? [Online Journal for E&P Geoscientists]. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, TX. Retrieved from:

6. Bezruchko, K.A., Pymonenko, L.I., Balalaiev, O.K., Baranovskyi V.I. A new determination method for coal metamorphism degree. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2019,  no. 3, pp.  5-11. 

About the authors

Bezruchko Kostiantyn Andriiovych, Doctor of Geology (D.Sc.), Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great Depths, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poliakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pymonenko Liudmyla Ivanivna, Doctor of Geology (D.Sc.),, Senior Researcher, Principal Researcher in the Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great Depths, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poliakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Baranovskyi Volodymyr Ignatovych, Master of Science, Junior Researcher in the Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great Depths, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poliakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hopkalo Vitalii Volodymyrovich, Master of Science,  Researcher in the Department of Geology of Coal Beds at Great Depths, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poliakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.