Shevchenko O.I. Analysis of the influence of the size of particles on the choice of design and mode parameters of the vibro-impact screen during dehydration and separation of technogenic raw materials

Geoteh. meh. 2021, 159, 69-78



1Shevchenko O.I.

1 Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of NAS of Ukraine

UDK 622. 742:621. 926:621.3. 06

Language: English

Abstract. The article is aimed at the development of new methods of separation by size and dehydration of technogenic raw materials during vibro-impact screening.

About 1 billion tons of coal enrichment waste with high coal content (25-70%) with up to 45% humidity have been accumulated in ash dumps and sludge settlers of Ukraine. A useful component can be removed from such waste. But traditional methods allow you to effectively separate only materials with particle sizes greater than 1 mm, and reduce the humidity of the finished product to 18-22% depending on the size

The reasons for the decrease in the efficiency of these processes with a decrease in the particle size of the raw materials are analyzed. The conditions for increasing the intensification of these processes for raw materials of various sizes have been determined.

The author analyzes the effect of particle size on the choice of mode and design parameters of a vibroimpact screen, which make it possible to intensify the loosening of raw materials and thereby increase the efficiency of separation by size and dehydration.

Research data on dehydration and separation of materials with a size of + 0.4-1.0 mm are presented; + 0-0.4 mm and + 0-10.0 mm, where the average values of the results of five experiments in each mode are given.

The proposed new method of vibroimpact screening is especially useful in the processing of technogenic raw materials of a wide range of sizes, when it is necessary to separate thin classes (as a rule, substandard product) and to dehydrate the finished (oversize) product as much as possible. The use of this method will increase the yield undersize product (-0.1 mm) to 75-80%, and reduce the humidity of the positive product to 4-7%

As a result of the analysis for different classes of size the conditions provided are determined under which the maximum decrease in humidity and increase of minus product output is provided.

The results obtained will be used to improve the process of separation by size and dehydration of technogenic raw materials, as well as to create a new vibro-impact screen.

Keywords: vibrating screen, vibroimpact mode, separation by size, dehydration, technogenic raw materials.



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About the author:

Shevchenko Oleksandr Ivanovych Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Senior Researcher in Department of Geomechanics of Mineral Opencast Mining Technology, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poliakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM of NAS of Ukraine), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.