Rubel A.O. Research and development of schemes of the discrete step of reinforcement in the shaft with rope profile conductors

Geoteh. meh. 2021, 159, 49-57



1Rubel A.O.

1SE «UC «Ukrvuglerekstrukturizatsiya»

UDC 622.6:622.674:622.673.1                

Language: English

Abstract. The paper investigates the design of roller guides used in vertical shafts of mining enterprises for rigid reinforcement, consisting of beam and box shots and conductors - rail or box ones. Guiding devices for providing directional movement along the depth of the vertical shaft in cable guides for various lifting vessels (stands, counterweights, skips) have been analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages have been determined. On the basis of the analysis, structures have been developed that provide directional movement using roller guides for double rope-profile conductors connected by a frame and fixed on cantilever-damping firing points, which allow damping horizontal dynamic forces in the frontal and lateral planes. Research, development and implementation of roller guide structures for double rope-profile conductors, providing a reliable connection between the vessel and the guide double rope-profile conductor, makes it possible to achieve:

a) high smoothness when moving in double rope-profile conductors;
b) reducing the influence of the twisting of the ropes;
c) extending the service life of roller guides, due to the use of more rollers in one device and rubber material;
d) increasing the service life and trouble-free operation of the guides;
e) a significant reduction in the level of vibrations in the frontal and lateral planes;
f) reducing the frequency of contact of the safety guide paw with the enclosing profile of the rope-profile conductor, therefore, reducing its wear as a result of abrasion;
g) reducing the effect of stitching with coal or ore dust on the durability of the bearing assemblies of roller guides;
i) increasing the service life of the roller guide axles due to the simultaneous contact of the rollers and the rope-profile conductor and the redistribution of the load;
j) reducing the effect of the curvature of the conductors on the wear of the system elements in case of violation of the shaft lining;
k) ensuring standard gaps at a safe level between the guide foot and the rope-profile guide.
Keywords: mine vertical shafts, roller guides, twin-profile rope guides, skips, cages, counterweights, vessel safety guiding legs, cantilever firing.



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About the author: 

Rubel Andrii Oleksandrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Chief Power Engineer, State Enterprise United Company «Ukrvuglerekstrukturizatsiya», Kyiv, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.