Krasnik V.G. Impact of angular zone in the face on the rock resistanse to intrusion of the rock-breaking tools

UDC 622.23.05:621.9.014.2


V.G. Krasnik, D.Sc. (Tech.)

(SP «STC «Ugleinnovacija»)


Problems of rock breaking by rock-breaking tools when there is a vertical surface of the seam outcrop are considered. Character of the rock yielding changes depending on distance from the hole wall was analytically defined (2D contact task for the rigid foundation of the hole under impact of two-stamp system [the stamps are symmetrically located in the hole axis] on the borehole bottom).  The author states that it is characteristic for the stamp system cutting-in to be increased nearby the hole symmetry axis (effect of mutual impact) and to be sharply declined nearby the hole walls. These effects are the stronger the less is ratio of the stamp width to the hole size. These dependencies were proved by experiments on defining dependencies between angular zone of the face and rock resistance to intrusion. The obtained theoretical dependencies qualitatively reflect real character of the face resistance changes when there is a vertical surface of the seam outcrop. The findings allows to take into account impact of vertical surface of the seam outcrop on wear of peripheral cutters in mathematical models of the rock-breaking tools wear by way of increasing coefficient of the rock hardness module in zone of peripheral cutter operation.


 rock-breaking tool, surface of the seam outcrop, bit with flat butt end, rock resistance to intrusion.


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About the author

Krasnik Vjacheslav Grigorjevich,Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), State enterprise «Scientific and technical center «Ugleynnovatsyya», deputy of director general, Kiev, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.