Semenenko Ye.V., Tatarko L.G. Calculation of parameters for hydraulic conveying by polyethylene pipes of particles with substantially no uniform density and size

UDC 622.648.01 – 9:621.643.29


Ye.V. Semenenko,D. Sc. (Tech.), Senior Reseacher

(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

L.G. Tatarko, M.S (Tech.)
(USU of Chemical Technology)


On the basis of experimental data of row of authors analysis and analysis of the proper methods of calculation of parameters of the hydraulic conveying breaking up on faction of particles of one class of largeness with substantially differentiating closenesses taking into account their hydraulic largeness is offered, that provides adequacy of dependences for determination of stalling speed and hydraulic slope and allows to promote exactness of calculations. It is shown, that particles of thin factions having a relative closeness more than 4, streamlined in the mode which does not allow to examine their mixture with water as homogeneous liquid with more high closeness. The division of raw material is a result on thin and shallow factions at determination of parameters of the hydraulic conveying to produce not on their geometrical size, and on their hydraulic largeness.


hydraulic conveying, polyethylene pipes, hydraulic largeness, hydraulic slope, stalling speed


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