Bunko T.V., Borovsky A.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Bokij А.B. Designing of methods for mathematical simulation of the cmm emission
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 109
UDC 622.411.332.001.57
T.V. Bunko,D.Sc. (Tech.), Senior Reseacher,
A.V. Borovsky, Ph.D. (Tech.), Senior Researcher,
I.Ye. Kokoulin, Ph.D. (Tech.), Senior Researcher
(IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
А.B. Bokij, Doctoral student
Anstract. The questions of mathematical design of ways of emission methane from coal layers at functioning of mines conducting the booty of coal and methane are examined. It is shown that the ways of emission of mine methane to atmosphere can be represented by a network structure with the concentrated sources of methane-excretion, and also branches with the lamynarnym law of motion of gas-air mixture through the areas of bringing down on a surface. The network gas-dynamycal mathematical model of emission of mine methane, different by the account of different laws of motion of gas-air environment and the adaptive network method of calculation of its parameters.
Keywords: mine methane, ecology, technological charts of ventilation, degassing of vyemochnykh areas, vakuumyrovanye, vozdukhoraspredelenye.
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About the authors
Bunko Tatyana Victorovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Senior Researcher in the Department of problems development of deposits on large depths, Institute of geotechnical mechanics by N.S. Polyakov National academy of sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Borovsky Anatoliy Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher in the Department of problems development of deposits on large depths, Institute of geotechnical mechanics by N.S. Polyakov National academy of sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kokoulin Ivan Yevgenevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher in the Department of problems development of deposits on large depths, Institute of geotechnical mechanics by N.S. Polyakov National academy of sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bokiy Alexander Borisovich, Doctoral student of State Higher Educational Establishment «The National Technical University» of Ukraine (SHEE «DonNTU» Ukraine), Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.