Alabyev V.R., Bokiy B.V. Simulation of heat-exchange processes in the blind drifts under natural conditions of the thermal rate formation

UDC [622.42/.44:536.24].001.57     


V.R. Alabyev, Ph.D. (Tech.), Senior Researcher,

B.V. Bokiy, D. Sc. (Tech.)

(PAS « A.F. Zasyadko mine)

Annotation.A necessity is grounded, for the terms of the coal mining on large depths, use of artificial cold for normalization of climatic сonditions on working places. The mathematical model of heat-exchange processes in the deadlock making at the natural terms of forming of the thermal mode is offered. On the basis of decision the system of equalizations of thermal and mass balance for the deadlock making at forcing ventilation and accepted assumptions eventual dependences for the calculation of temperature of air in the characteristic points of the deadlock making are got. The got dependences can be used at adjusting of the thermal mode of the deadlock making by different mine-technical measures or artificial cooling of air.

Keywords: heat-exchange processes, deadlock making, coal mines, conditioning of mine air


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About the authors:

Alabiyev Vadim Rudolfovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Reseacher, deputy director of PAS «Mine named A.F. Zasjadko», Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bokiy Boris Vsevolodovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Deputy Director of PAS «Mine named A.F. Zasjadko», Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.