Bondarenko A.O. Designing of a suction head for the dredge MZ-8
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 109
UDC 622.271
A.O. Bondarenko, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor
Abstract. The rational parameters of working bodyof operating shallow dredge MZ-8 are grounded. The task of improvement of working body is put in basis of innovative technical decision. Here, implementation of new structural elements gives the possibility to extract soils in counter flows, control of their intense, increase of suck pulp concentration together with decline of washing out water consumption. This provides intensification of process of soil extraction from hole washing-out zone, also saving of energy resources. The task is fulfilled by setting of cilindro-conical collector in suction pipe. Washing-out sprayers are fastened at the edge of the collector. Thus the nozzles of washing-out sprayers are set at an angle to longitudinal axis of collector, coinsiding with longitudinal axis of the suction pipe, and turned opposite to direction of pulp motion in the suction pipe. Supply of water to the washing-out sprayers is carried out with a pipeline set on exteriority of body and connected with the collector cavity. Application of working body has allowed modernize the shallow dredge MZ-8 with minimal expenses. Operation of hydraulic dredger MZ-8 during working out of East-bug deposit of sands rotined his high efficiency. Application of working body during extraction of quartz sands from a depth of 5 m being transported up to 350 m distance has allowed to enhance the productivity of hydraulic dredger by 23%.
Key words:
shallow dredge, working body, washout of soil.
- Bondarenko А.А. (2010), «Determination of washing out speed of soil is in a submarine face, formed a turbulent stream», Naukovy visnik NGU, no.2, pp. 78 – 81.
- Bondarenko А.А., Franchuk V.P., Zapara E.S. (2010), «Determination of parameters of submarine face, formed a turbulent washing out stream», Zbirnik nauk. prats NGU, no.34, pp. 171 – 176.
- Bondarenko А.А., Franchuk V.P., Zapara E.S. National mining university (2010), Gruntozabirniy pristriy [Worker member], State Register of Patents of Ukraine, Kiev, UA, Pat. № 91523.
About the author:
Bondarenko Andrii Oleksijovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of Department of mining machines and engineering, State higher educational establishment «National mining university» (SHEE «NMU»), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .